Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 736 - 750 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Preconceptions regarding concept maps held by Panamanian teachers 27 2006 Norma Miller
‘Structural transformation’as a threshold concept in university teaching 26 2012 Norma Miller
Comment on “retrieval practice produces more learning than elaborative studying with concept mapping” 25 2011 Norma Miller
Effect of the nature of the focus question on presence of dynamic propositions in a concept map 21 2008 Norma Miller
An exploration of computer-mediated skill acquisition in concept mapping by Panamanian in-service public elementary schoolteachers 11 2008 Norma Miller
An exploration of computer-mediated skill acquisition in concept mapping by in-service Panamanian public elementary schoolteachers 10 2008 Norma Miller
Use of the CmapTools recorder to explore acquisition of skill in concept mapping 9 2008 Norma Miller
Trust across culture and context 8 2019 Norma Miller
Concept mapping for meaningful learning and assessment The need for a paradigm shift in science education for post-soviet societies 8 2008 Norma Miller
Impacto de retroalimentación remota a mapas conceptuales elaborados por estudiantes del proyecto conéctate 7 2010 Norma Miller
The conceptual card deck 6 2008 Norma Miller
Mapping the terrain of multinational trust 5 2014 Norma Miller
Interaction between topology and semantics in concept maps: A neurolinguistic interpretation 5 2008 Norma Miller
Measuring the contribution of infoplazas to Internet penetration and use in Panama 5 2004 Norma Miller
Incidencia del curso de Pre-cálculo en el desempeño en Cálculo I para estudiantes de primer ingreso de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 4 2017 Norma Miller