Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5866 - 5880 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Finding the place: how to train and use convolutional neural networks for a dynamically learning robot 6 2018 Edmanuel Cruz
UASOL, a large-scale high-resolution outdoor stereo dataset 5 2019 Edmanuel Cruz
EVA: EVAluating at-home rehabilitation exercises using augmented reality and low-cost sensors 3 2019 Edmanuel Cruz
Improving the 3D perception of the pepper robot using depth prediction from monocular frames 2 2018 Edmanuel Cruz
Using a 3D CNN for Rejecting False Positives on Pedestrian Detection 1 2020 Edmanuel Cruz
Automatic OSPF Topology map generation using information of the OSPF database 1 2018 Edmanuel Cruz
Robot semantic localization through CNN descriptors 1 2017 Edmanuel Cruz
Weakly-supervised Road Condition Classification Using Automatically Generated Labels 0 2020 Edmanuel Cruz
Robotics semantic localization using deep learning techniques 0 2020 Edmanuel Cruz
How to add new knowledge to already trained deep learning models applied to semantic localization 0 2020 Edmanuel Cruz
Refining the Fusion of Pepper Robot and Estimated Depth Maps Method for Improved 3D Perception 0 2019 Edmanuel Cruz
Semantic Localization of a Robot in a Real Home 0 2018 Edmanuel Cruz
Behaviour of steel-fibre-reinforced normal-strength concrete slender columns under cyclic loading 36 2012 Karen Elena Caballero Morrison
An experimental study of steel fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete slender columns under cyclic loading 28 2013 Karen Elena Caballero Morrison
Comportamiento de soportes esbeltos de hormigón armado con fibras de acero sometidos a esfuerzos combinados de axil y carga lateral cíclica 1 2012 Karen Elena Caballero Morrison