Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5746 - 5760 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Reduction of sphere decoding complexity using an adaptive SD-OSIC system 0 2011 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Performance analysis of an adaptive-MCM system with combining AMC and MIMO schemes 0 2010 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
High infestation of invasive Aedes mosquitoes in used tires along the local transport network of Panama 14 2019 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
How bioinformatics and open data can boost basic science in countries and universities with limited resources 14 2019 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Uso de Redes Neuronales Convolucionales para el Reconocimiento Automático de Imágenes de Macroinvertebrados para el Biomonitoreo Participativo 13 2018 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Use of near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of second trimester amniotic fluid to assess preterm births 8 2011 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Análisis prospectivo de la detección hiperespectral de cultivos de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) 6 2018 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry to identify species of Neotropical Anopheles vectors of malaria 5 2019 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Future precipitation changes over Panama projected with the atmospheric global model MRI-AGCM3. 2 3 2019 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Detection and identification of manatee individual vocalizations in Panamanian wetlands using spectrogram clustering 3 2019 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Caracterización morfológica y espectral de 6 variedades criollas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en Panamá 2 2018 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Proteomic fingerprinting of Neotropical hard tick species (Acari: Ixodidae) using a self-curated mass spectra reference library 1 2020 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Bioacoustic Classification of Antillean Manatee Vocalization Spectrograms Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 1 2020 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Stairway Detection Based on Single Camera by Motion Stereo for the Blind and Visually Impaired 1 2020 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry to identify field-collected Neotropical Anopheles mosquito vectors of human Plasmodia 1 2019 Javier E. Sanchez Galan Frauca