Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5731 - 5745 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Efficient needle plasma actuators for flow control and surface cooling 23 2015 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Functional relationship between material property, applied frequency and ozone generation for surface dielectric barrier discharges in atmospheric air 18 2017 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Inactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an open water system with ozone generated by a compact, atmospheric DBD plasma reactor 9 2018 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
A fan-shaped plasma reactor for mixing enhancement in a closed chamber 4 2020 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Intercell interference coordination using threshold-based region decisions 4 2011 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Improvement of the sphere decoding complexity through an adaptive OSIC-SD system 4 2011 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Design and performance analysis of a communication system with AMC and MIMO mode selection scheme 4 2010 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Performance analysis of a new preamble-based SNR estimation algorithm 3 2011 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
New SNR Estimation Algorithm using Preamble and Performance Analysis 3 2011 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Performance evaluation of fan and comb shaped plasma reactors for distribution of generated ozone in a confined space 2 2020 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Throughput performance analysis of AMC based on a new SNR estimation algorithm using preamble 2 2013 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Cooperative Multiuser Relay Communication with Superposition Coding 2 2012 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Improvement of the throughput-SNR trade-off using a 4G adaptive MCM system 1 2010 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Novel Channel Estimation Method in Fast Fading Channels Applied to LTE-Advanced 0 2012 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio
Proposal and performance analysis of a novel preamble-based SNR estimation algorithm 0 2011 Sherlie Eileen Portugal Atencio