Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5296 - 5310 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
State of the art for string analysis and pattern search using cpu and gpu based programming 11 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
An ontology-based knowledge methodology in the medical domain in the Latin america: The study case of republic of Panama 7 2018 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
eHealth management platform for screening and prediction of Down’s syndrome in the Republic of Panama 7 2014 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Exploración en los sistemas CRM/ERP como estrategia en el sector PYMES 6 2016 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Security threats in volunteer computing environments using the Berkeley open infrastructure for network computing (BOINC) 6 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Implementation a holistic model, interactive and persuasive to facilitate self-care of patients with diabetes (hIPAPD) 5 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
A Framework for the Quality of Data in Data Grid Systems for Virtual Organizations. 5 2009 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Openid connect y la seguridad de la identidad digital 4 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Technologies to better serve the millions of diabetic patients: A holistic, interactive and persuasive ICT model to facilitate self care, in extremely poor rural zones of … 4 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
A Review of String Matching Algorithms and Recent Implementations using GPU 3 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Towards a model of knowledge extraction of text mining for palliative care patients in Panama 3 2016 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Grids Portals: Frameworks, Middleware or Toolkit 3 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Telemonitoring system for infectious disease prediction in elderly people based on a novel microservice architecture 2 2020 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
‘El estado del arte: Salud inteligente y el Internet de las cosas 2 2018 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Ontología y Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 2 2018 Miguel Vargas Lombardo