Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5176 - 5190 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Spatial variability of magnetic soil properties 34 2004 David Neftalí Vega
Hydrology of hillslope soils in the Upper Rio Chagres watershed, Panama 18 2005 David Neftalí Vega
Soils of the upper Río Chagres basin, Panamá 17 2005 David Neftalí Vega
Study of seasonal rainfall infiltration via time-lapse surface electrical resistivity tomography: Case study of Gamboa area, Panama Canal Watershed 12 2013 David Neftalí Vega
Scintillometer networks for calibration and validation of energy balance and soil moisture remote sensing algorithms 12 2007 David Neftalí Vega
Fruticultura Colombiana: el mango 10 2001 David Neftalí Vega
Maximum efficiency point tracking for hydrogen fuel cells 8 2014 David Neftalí Vega
Manejo fitosanitario de enfermedades y plagas del mango 4 1992 David Neftalí Vega
Efficient internal resistance and specific heat identification of Li-Ion battery at low temperature conditions 3 2015 David Neftalí Vega
Estimates of biomass and fixed carbon at a rainforest in Panama 3 2012 David Neftalí Vega
Soil Hydrology Along Steep Hillslopes in the Río Chagres Watershed 3 2005 David Neftalí Vega
Rainfall–CN (Curve Number) relationships in a tropical rainforest microbasin within the Panamá Canal watershed 2 2012 David Neftalí Vega
Characterization of shallow groundwater in Eocene sediments of Panama Canal Watershed using electrical techniques 0 2017 David Neftalí Vega
Arte, la Ciencia y la Tecnología 0 2017 David Neftalí Vega
Rainfall- CN(Curve Number) relationships in a tropical rainforest microbasin within the Panama Canal watershed/Relaciones Precipitacion- CN(Numero de Curva) en una microcuenca … 0 2012 David Neftalí Vega