Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 481 - 495 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
APLICACIONES DE GRID EN LOS NEGOCIOS 0 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Rehabilitación física de pacientes: una solución móvil para facilitar los ejercicios de fisioterapia básicos Physical rehabilitation of patients: a mobile solution to … 0 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Enabling NFC Technology to Support Alzheimer’s Day Center Activities 0 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ambient Assisted Living 0 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Location-based Services in AmI-NFC Environment 0 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Cómo elaborar material de instrucción (e-learning) según la teoría de Cognición Social. 0 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
idMAS-SQL: intrusion detection based on MAS to detect and block SQL injection through data mining 69 2013 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
S-MAS: An adaptive hierarchical distributed multi-agent architecture for blocking malicious SOAP messages within Web Services environments 62 2011 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
Mitigation of the ground reflection effect in real-time locating systems based on wireless sensor networks by using artificial neural networks 55 2013 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
AIIDA-SQL: An adaptive intelligent intrusion detector agent for detecting SQL injection attacks 40 2010 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
Irrigation System through Intelligent Agents Implemented with Arduino Technology. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863) 24 2013 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
CBRid4SQL: A CBR intrusion detector for SQL injection attacks 21 2010 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
Irrigation system through intelligent agents implemented with arduino technology 18 2013 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
SCMAS: A distributed hierarchical multi-agent architecture for blocking attacks to databases 17 2008 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos
Improving the security level of the FUSION@ multi-agent architecture 14 2012 Cristian Iván Pinzón Trejos