Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 4861 - 4875 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Santo Domingo’s Hispanic convent, Panama. A new appraisal from 3D resistivity survey 3 2017 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Diagnosing hydrologic flow paths in forest and pasture land uses within the Panama Canal Watershed using simulated rainfall and electrical resistivity tomography 3 2014 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Geoelectrical Surveys in the First Spanish Settlement on the Pacific Coast of the Americas, Panama 3 2012 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Fractal analysis of the complexity of Panama City coastlines, Central America Alexis Mojica 3 2011 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Geophysical investigations in the old Panama archaeological site 3 2006 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Investigaciones en el sitio de Cara Sucia (departamento de Ahuachapán, El Salvador) 3 2005 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Investigating Pre-Columbian Ceremonial Features at El Caño Archaeological Site, Panama, through Geophysical Surveys 2 2014 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Ecohydrologic investigations of shallow lateral subsurface flow in tropical soils using time-lapse surface electrical resistivity tomography 2 2010 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Oswaldo Chinchilla 2 0 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Groundwater Model of a Fractured Rock System as a Tool for Groundwater Management: The Estibaná Sub-Catchment, Azuero Peninsula, Panama 1 2019 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Electrical Resistivity Survey to Locate Buried Colonial Structures in the Santo Domingo’s Historic Complex, Panama 1 2018 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Integrated Geophysical Surveys of the Fort San Lorenzo, Panama, Central America 1 2016 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Application des méthodes géophysiques à la détection des sites précolombiens dans la région centrale de Panama et paramétrisation géoarchéologique dans le site hispanique de … 1 2007 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Corrections of archaeological magnetic anomalies of the El Caño pre-Columbian site, Panama 1 2005 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Características geomagnéticas del subsuelo en el sector noreste del Conjunto Monumental de Panamá Viejo 1 2004 Alexis Ogedy Mojica