Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 4501 - 4515 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
EI Transporte Ferroviario 0 0 Rony Caballero
CLAWAR 2006: ABSTRACTS 0 0 Rony Caballero
“Estimación de los servicios parciales de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá" En: XII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres Ingenieras, Arquitectas y 0 0 Rony Caballero
“Externalidades socio-ambientales de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá" En: XII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres Ingenieras, Arquitectas y 0 0 Rony Caballero
“Simulación de escenarios operativos nominales de la línea 1 de metro de Panamá" En: XII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres Ingenieras, Arquitectas y 0 0 Rony Caballero
Exploring occupant behavior in buildings 68 2018 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Behavioral variables and occupancy patterns in the design and modeling of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings 36 2017 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Energy consumption of residential buildings and occupancy profiles. A case study in Mediterranean climatic conditions 31 2018 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Sensing and data acquisition 17 2018 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
On the use of questionnaire in residential buildings. A review of collected data, methodologies and objectives 16 2019 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Behavioral and physical factors influencing energy building performances in Mediterranean climate 15 2015 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Application of survey on energy consumption and occupancy in residential buildings. An experience in Southern Italy 13 2018 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Occupancy patterns obtained by heuristic approaches: Cluster analysis and logical flowcharts. A case study in a university office 11 2019 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Reference procedures for obtaining occupancy profiles in residential buildings 8 2018 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra
Composition, diversity, and tree Structure of a tropical Moist Forest in Gamboa, Colon, Panama 5 2016 Dafni Yeniveth Mora Guerra