Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 4186 - 4200 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Understanding collaboration in Global Software Engineering (GSE) teams with the use of sensors: introducing a multi-sensor setting for observing social and human aspects in … 5 2017 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Learning social skills through LEGO-based social robots for children with autism spectrum disorder at CASPAN center in Panama 5 2015 Victor Lopez Cabrera
When do distributed student teams work? 5 2012 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Classification of Group Potency Levels of Software Development Student Teams 3 2015 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Creating Smarter Teaching and Training Environments: Innovative Set-Up for Collaborative Hybrid Learning. Intelligent Environments (Workshops) 2016: Ambient Intelligence and … 2 2016 Victor Lopez Cabrera
RSOA basado en ontologías para entornos virtuales en la educación superior panameña 2 2014 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Base de Datos para la Gestión de Ontologías 2 2012 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Using learning management systems as support mechanisms for formative feedback–the case of lifelong learning. 2 2010 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Modelo de Gestión de Conocimiento para el Núcleo Universitario Santa Lucía 1 2018 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Creating Smarter Teaching and Training Environments: Innovative Set-Up for Collaborative Hybrid Learning. 1 2016 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Diccionario de Datos: Un enfoque semántico, de seguridad y usabilidad 1 2012 Victor Lopez Cabrera
The effects of task type on the patterns of communication behaviors among global software student teams 1 2010 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Dynamics of collaborative work in global software development environment. 1 2009 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Global Teams: Futuristic Models of Collaborative Work for Today 1 0 Victor Lopez Cabrera
Aprendizaje Colaborativo para Desarrollo de Software 0 2017 Victor Lopez Cabrera