Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 376 - 390 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Un sistema de trazabilidad basado en web para la genética de ganado en Panamá 2 2016 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ambient Intelligence for Health 2 2016 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ambient Intelligence: technological solutions for wellness and supporting to daily activities 2 2012 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Using and Applying MobiPattern to Design MoMo Framework Modules 2 2011 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ambient Assisted Living: Third International Workshop, IWAAL 2011, Held at IWANN 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spain, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings 2 2011 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ontology developement for a patient monitoring framework 2 2009 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Enabling NFC technology in hospital wards 2 2009 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Framework for Patient Mobile Monitoring (2012) 2 0 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Developing an Interactive Environment through the Teaching of Mathematics with Small Robots 1 2020 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence—UCAmI 1 2019 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Improving the Teaching of Mathematics through Robotics 1 2019 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
A Systematic Review of mHealth apps Evaluations for Cardiac Issues 1 2018 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
A Web and Mobile Applications for Self-control of Patient Blood Pressure Through Mobiles and Biometrics Devices 1 2017 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Development a Mobile System Based on the Harris-Benedict Equation to Indicate the Caloric Intake 1 2016 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Improving the planning of buildings with data visualization 1 2014 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras