Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 3856 - 3870 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
An NFC approach for nursing care training 27 2011 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Using a communication model to collect measurement data through mobile devices 21 2012 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Services through NFC technology in AmI Environment 15 2008 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
A Systematic Review for Mobile Monitoring Solutions in M-Health 12 2016 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Applying ontologies in the development of patient mobile monitoring framework 12 2009 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Monitoring Architecture to collect measurement data and medical patient control through mobile devices 11 2011 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Enabling NFC technology to support activities in an Alzheimer's day center 11 2008 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ambient Intelligence for Health: First International Conference, AmIHEALTH 2015, Puerto Varas, Chile, December 1-4, 2015, Proceedings 10 2015 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Ambient assisted living 10 2011 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Supporting clinical information management by NFC technology 10 2009 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Identification technologies to support Alzheimer contexts 10 2008 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Sensing and Storing the Blood Pressure Measure by Patients through A Platform and Mobile Devices 8 2018 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Mobile monitoring framework to design parameterized and personalized m-health applications according to the patient’s diseases 8 2015 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Towards ubiquitous mobile monitoring for health-care and ambient assisted living 8 2010 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
AmIHEALTH: Plataforma web para el seguimiento y control de pacientes con problemas de hipertensión arterial en Panamá 7 2017 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras