Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 3511 - 3525 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Modelo para la Inserción de Estudiantes Universitarios de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá en Proyectos de Desarrollo de Software 0 2018 Nichol Sánchez Kirsch
Introduction to active thermochemical tables: Several “key” enthalpies of formation revisited 494 2004 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Active Thermochemical Tables: thermochemistry for the 21st century 315 2005 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Active thermochemical tables: Accurate enthalpy of formation of hydroperoxyl radical, HO2 276 2006 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Metadata in the collaboratory for multi-scale chemical science 81 2003 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A collaborative informatics infrastructure for multi-scale science 79 2005 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Comparison of different three-site interaction potentials for liquid acetonitrile 57 2001 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Active Thermochemical Tables 39 2004 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
On the solvation shell of Na+ and Cl- ions in acetonitrile: A computer simulation study 25 2000 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
A grid service-based active thermochemical table framework 16 2002 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
SOUSEI Theme-C Modeling Group (2013) Hydroclimate projections for Panama in the late 21st century 14 0 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Hydroclimate projections for Panama in the late 21st Century 13 2013 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Study of Seasonal Rainfall Infiltration Via Time-Lapse Surface Electrical Resistivity Tomography: Case Study of Gamboa Area, Panama Canal Watershed 12 2013 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Implantation and damage under oblique low-energy Si self-bombardment 9 2001 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames
Increase in simple precipitation intensity index in Panama 7 2012 Reinhardt Pinzón Adames