Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 331 - 345 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Study about the Bars Detection in Spiral Galaxies Using the Isophotal Method 0 2019 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
La evolución de la secuencia de Hubble 0 2017 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
The evolution of the observed Hubble sequence over the past 6GYR 0 2010 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
The evolution of the Hubble Sequence 0 2010 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
La Evolución de la Forma y Estructura de las Galaxias:¿ Cómo eran hace 6 mil millones de años? 0 2010 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
How was the Hubble sequence 6 Gyrs ago? 0 2010 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
La evolución de la secuencia de Hubble 0 2010 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
Eco-planetario: Un Planetario Astronómico Educacional Multienergético 0 0 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
La Necesidad de Investigar la Comprensión de Conceptos Básicos, de Astronomía y Ciencias en General, en pre-media y media 0 0 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
PARANET: PAnama RAdiotelescopes NETwork 0 0 Rodney Delgado-Serrano
From implicit to touching interaction: RFID and NFC approaches 45 2008 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Mobile and ubiquitous architecture for the medical control of chronic diseases through the use of intelligent devices: Using the architecture for patients with diabetes 44 2014 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
A proposal for mobile diabetes self-control: towards a patient monitoring framework 35 2009 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
Achieving adaptive augmented reality through ontological context-awareness applied to aal scenarios 33 2013 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras
An NFC approach for nursing care training 27 2011 Vladimir Villarreal Contreras