Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 1831 - 1845 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Modelo de minería de texto aplicado a historiales clínicos electrónicos de pacientes de cuidados paliativos en Panamá 0 2016 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Ubiquitous and Ambient Assisted Living eHealth Platforms for the Republic of Panama: Two Cases of Study 0 2015 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Framework Based on Ontologies for Palliative Care of Patients with Breast Cancer 0 2015 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Framework Based on Ontologies for Palliative Care of Patients with Breast Cancer 0 2015 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Opportunity offered by the Empowerment ICT: A Survey ICT and Empowerment in the Espigadilla 0 2013 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Framework of User Participation for the Interface Design in the SaaS Layer 0 2013 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Principles and Application Fields in CUDA Parallel programming and its potential 0 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Discovering the anatomy of an Android application 0 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Service Layer and Axioms for User Access to the Cloud by Means of Ontologies 0 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Emerging Threats, Risk and Attacks in Distributed Systems: Cloud Computing 0 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
State of the Art for String Analysis and Pattern Search Using CPU and GPU Based Programming 0 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Security Threats in Volunteer Computing Environments Using the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) 0 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Computer Simulation for the Development of Immune Cells. 0 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
A Holistic, Interactive and Persuasive Model to Facilitate Self-care of Patients with Diabetes in Latin America and the Caribbean. 0 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
D 2 UIGP: A Development Work for the User Interface Design in Grid Portals 0 0 Miguel Vargas Lombardo