Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 616 - 630 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Particle-Filtering-Based State-of-Health Estimation and End-of-Life Prognosis for Lithium-Ion Batteries at Operation Temperature 6 2016 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
State-of-charge estimation to improve decision making by MAC protocols used in WSNs 5 2018 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Characterizing the Degradation Process of Lithium-ion Batteries Using a Similarity-Based-Modeling Approach 4 2018 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Particle-filtering-based Prognostics for the State of Maximum Power Available in Lithium-Ion Batteries at Electromobility Applications 3 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Sleep Time Adjustment through Performance Indicators of a Lithium-Ion Battery 2 2019 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Procedure for Selecting a Transmission Mode Dependent on the State-of-charge and State-of-health of a Lithium-ion Battery in Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting Devices 2 2018 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
A Simulation Engine for the Characterization of Capacity Degradation Processes in Lithium-ion Batteries Undergoing Heterogeneous Operating Conditions 1 2019 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Frame retransmission using a modified VST-TDMA access protocol in Picocell/WPAN 1 2017 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Electric Bicycle Energy Management Given an Elevation Traveling Profile 1 2017 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Time-of-Failure Probability Mass Function Computation Using the First-Passage-Time Method Applied to Particle Filter-based Prognostics 0 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Particle-filtering-based prognostics for the state of maximum power available in lithium-ion batteries at electromobility applications 0 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Spatio-temporal probabilistic modeling based on Gaussian mixture models and neural gas theory for prediction of criminal activity 0 2017 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Spatio-temporal probabilistic modeling based on Gaussian mixture models and neural gas theory for prediction of criminal activity 0 2017 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Particle-filtering-based prognostics for the state of maximum power available in lithium-ion batteries at electromobility applications 0 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño
Time-of-Failure Probability Mass Function Computation Using the First-Passage-Time Method Applied to Particle Filter-based Prognostics 0 2020 Vanessa Lisbeth Quintero Cedeño