Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Biomass carbonization-Production and characterization of biochar from rice husks 0 2019 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Estudio de las investigaciones realizadas en el programa de maestría en ciencias de la ingeniería mecánica Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 0 2018 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Top-Lit Updraft Biomass Gasifier.(Under the direction of Dr. Wenqiao Yuan and Dr. Michael Boyette.) Biomass materials can be converted to a wide variety of products, eg … 0 0 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
The effect of biomass physical properties on top-lit updraft gasification of woodchips 33 2016 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Airflow and insulation effects on simultaneous syngas and biochar production in a top-lit updraft biomass gasifier 19 2018 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
The effect of air flow rate and biomass type on the performance of an updraft biomass gasifier 17 2015 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
In-chamber thermocatalytic tar cracking and syngas reforming using char-supported NiO catalyst in an updraft biomass gasifier 12 2014 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Characterization of biochar from rice hulls and wood chips produced in a top-lit updraft biomass gasifier 7 2016 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
The effect of biomass, operating conditions, and gasifier design on the performance of an updraft biomass gasifier 6 2012 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
The effect of gasification conditions on the surface properties of biochar produced in a top-lit updraft gasifier 5 2020 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Aislante térmico a base de materiales orgánicos 2 2018 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Implementación de un Intercambiador de Calor en Techos de Zinc 2 2018 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Simultaneous Biochar and syngas production in a Top-Lit Updraft Biomass Gasifier.(Under the direction of Dr. Wenqiao Yuan and Dr. Michael Boyette.) 2 2015 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Diseño e implementación de un generador eléctrico lineal en la suspensión de bicicletas 0 2020 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Biochar for greenhouse gas mitigation 0 2020 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas