Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5926 - 5940 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
The effect of air flow rate and biomass type on the performance of an updraft biomass gasifier 17 2015 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
In-chamber thermocatalytic tar cracking and syngas reforming using char-supported NiO catalyst in an updraft biomass gasifier 12 2014 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Characterization of biochar from rice hulls and wood chips produced in a top-lit updraft biomass gasifier 7 2016 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
The effect of biomass, operating conditions, and gasifier design on the performance of an updraft biomass gasifier 6 2012 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
The effect of gasification conditions on the surface properties of biochar produced in a top-lit updraft gasifier 5 2020 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Aislante térmico a base de materiales orgánicos 2 2018 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Implementación de un Intercambiador de Calor en Techos de Zinc 2 2018 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Simultaneous Biochar and syngas production in a Top-Lit Updraft Biomass Gasifier.(Under the direction of Dr. Wenqiao Yuan and Dr. Michael Boyette.) 2 2015 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Diseño e implementación de un generador eléctrico lineal en la suspensión de bicicletas 0 2020 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Biochar for greenhouse gas mitigation 0 2020 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Water Quality Evaluation of the Cabra River Using Biological Indicators 0 2019 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Development of a prototype for solar radiation exploitation on galvanized metal roofs in Panama 0 2019 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Introduction to the Application of Phase Change Materials under Tropical Climate of Panama 0 2019 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Coal Gasification in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor 0 2019 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas
OTEC Alternative for the Electric Power Generation in Panama 0 2019 Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas