Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5161 - 5175 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
La Usabilidad ha muerto 0 2014 Danny Murillo
Fast smoke detection for video surveillance using CUDA 43 2017 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Outdoor stairway segmentation using vertical vanishing point and directional filter 25 2010 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Simple and efficient method for calibration of a camera and 2D laser rangefinder 24 2014 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
3D motion estimation based on pitch and azimuth from respective camera and laser rangefinder sensing 20 2013 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Real-time lane region detection using a combination of geometrical and image features 19 2016 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Stairway segmentation using gabor filter and vanishing point 19 2011 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Stairway detection based on single camera by motion stereo 18 2011 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Lane surface identification based on reflectance using laser range finder 15 2014 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Global path planning for unmanned ground vehicle based on road map images 15 2014 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Smoke detection for static cameras 14 2015 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Combining edge and one-point ransac algorithm to estimate visual odometry 14 2013 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Stairway tracking based on automatic target selection using directional filters 13 2011 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Real-time flood detection for video surveillance 12 2015 Danilo Cáceres Hernández
Online background-subtraction with motion compensation for freely moving camera 11 2016 Danilo Cáceres Hernández