Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 4591 - 4605 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Coexistence of grains with differing orthorhombicity in high quality YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films 7 1994 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Fermi surface and critical field of YBCO 7 1993 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Amplification of Belinfante's argument for the nonexistence of dispersion-free states 7 1988 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Polycrystalline diamond films with tailored micro/nanostructure/doping for new large area film-based diamond electronics 6 2019 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Etching and annealing of substrates for superconducting multilayers and devices 6 1993 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Boron doping of ultrananocrystalline diamond films by thermal diffusion process 4 2018 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Increased transition temperature in in situ coevaporated YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films by low temperature post-annealing 3 1994 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Super high-dielectric-constant oxide films for next-generation nanoelectronics and supercapacitors for energy storage 2 2020 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Effects of changes on temperature and fluorine concentration in the structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO 2: F thin films 1 2019 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Photoluminescence in Raman Scattering: Effects of HfO2 Template Layer on Ultrananocrystalline Diamond (UNCD) Films Grown on Stainless Steel Substrates 1 2018 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Estudio de láminas delgadas de diamantes policristalinos: estructura cristalina, enalce químicos de átomos de carbono y efectos en la concentración de portadores de cargas … 1 2017 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Bridging the conceptual gap between free fall and drag-dominated regimes 1 2016 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Methodology to replace Sensitivity BER and transmit power production tests in bluetooth devices with BiSTs 1 2011 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Two-GHz microstrip thin-film resonators of Nb and YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7 1 1995 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal
Pt-SiO 2 Granular Metals for Cryogenic Thermometry in High Magnetic Fields 1 1990 Elida Isabel De Obaldia Villarreal