Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Electric mobility in Panama: A review 2 2018 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Panama metro bus system and metro line 1: An externalities analysis of CO2emissions spectre 2 2017 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Externalidades socio-ambientales de la línea 1 del metro de Panamá 2 2014 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Conflict Resolution Mechanism in the Electricity Sector Through the Experts Panel-The Chilean Case 2 2012 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Ahorro en tiempos de viajes: Externalidad socio económicas de la Línea 1 del Metro de Panamá en la productividad urbana 2 0 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Jessica Guevara Cedeño, Rony Caballero George." 2 0 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Generation Planning Model Including Frequency Stability Constrains to Mitigate Large-Scale Integration of Photovoltaic Plants 1 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Panama metro line 1: Analysis of CO2 emissions from 2015 to 2017. Principles for an eco-transportation city 1 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Curricular Renovation and Electricity Markets-Power Exchange Simulator 1 2013 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Railway Engineering: Timetable Planning and Control, Artificial Intelligence and Externalities 0 2021 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Effect of Hourly Demand Modeling on Generation Planning with Large-Scale Integration of Photovoltaic Plants 0 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Group activities and short quizzes as tools for evaluating engineering courses 0 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Characterization of the dynamic behavior of transition systems between rigid and flexible catenary 0 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
The Audit Program of ANECA-CCA for Central America and the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard-A Qualitative-Comparative Analysis 0 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño
Las tutorías como estrategia docente 0 2019 Jessica Yarelys Guevara Cedeño