Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 1741 - 1755 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Estudio analítico y experimental de losas prefabricadas alveolares reforzadas con bambú sujetas a flexión 0 2008 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Efecto microbiano del control biológico con EM en parcelas sembradas de arroz en Coclé, Panamá. Microbial effect of biological control with EM in rice fields planted in Coclé … 0 0 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Estudio Analítico y Experimental de Losas Prefabricadas Alveolares Reforzadas con Bambú Sujetas a Flexión 0 0 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Emerging threats, risk and attacks in distributed systems: Cloud computing 23 2013 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Implementación de las TIC´ S en la gestión de inventario dentro de la cadena de suministro 12 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
State of the art for string analysis and pattern search using cpu and gpu based programming 11 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
An ontology-based knowledge methodology in the medical domain in the Latin america: The study case of republic of Panama 7 2018 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
eHealth management platform for screening and prediction of Down’s syndrome in the Republic of Panama 7 2014 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Exploración en los sistemas CRM/ERP como estrategia en el sector PYMES 6 2016 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Security threats in volunteer computing environments using the Berkeley open infrastructure for network computing (BOINC) 6 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Implementation a holistic model, interactive and persuasive to facilitate self-care of patients with diabetes (hIPAPD) 5 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
A Framework for the Quality of Data in Data Grid Systems for Virtual Organizations. 5 2009 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Openid connect y la seguridad de la identidad digital 4 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Technologies to better serve the millions of diabetic patients: A holistic, interactive and persuasive ICT model to facilitate self care, in extremely poor rural zones of … 4 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
A Review of String Matching Algorithms and Recent Implementations using GPU 3 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo