Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5746 - 5760 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Estudio de la calidad del filtro ultravioleta en Bogotá 0 1991 Oscar Ramírez
Minimum Weight Shakedown and Elastic Design of Structures Subjected to Earthquake Loadings 0 1987 Oscar Ramírez
Development and evaluation of simplified procedures for the analysis and design of buildings with passive energy dissipation systems. 216 2001 Oscar Ramírez
Elastic and inelastic seismic response of buildings with damping systems 167 2002 Oscar Ramírez
Evaluation of simplified methods of analysis of yielding structures with damping systems 95 2002 Oscar Ramírez
Equivalent Lateral Force and Modal Analysis Procedures of the 2000 NEHRP Provisions for Buildings with Damping Systems 88 2003 Oscar Ramírez
Validation of the 2000 NEHRP Provisions’ Equivalent Lateral Force and Modal Analysis Procedures for Buildings with Damping Systems 58 2003 Oscar Ramírez
Development and evaluation of simplified procedures of analysis and design for structures with passive energy dissipation systems 10 2001 Oscar Ramírez
Elastic and inelastic seismic response of structures with damping systems 5 2002 Oscar Ramírez
El factor de modificación de respuesta, R, para edificios de período corto 0 2017 Oscar Ramírez
Diseño de estructuras con sistema de amortiguamiento viscoso lineal 0 2017 Oscar Ramírez
Palabras del Rector 0 2017 Oscar Ramírez
Educación Activa 0 2017 Oscar Ramírez
Estudio de la calidad del filtro ultravioleta en Bogotá 0 1991 Oscar Ramírez
Minimum Weight Shakedown and Elastic Design of Structures Subjected to Earthquake Loadings 0 1987 Oscar Ramírez