Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 541 - 555 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Magnetic investigation of cultural features in the west zone of the Old Panama archaeological site (Central America) 6 2009 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Magnetic Prospection of the Pre-Columbian Archaeological Site of El Caño in the cultural region of Gran Coclé, Panama 6 2014 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Prospección arqueogeofísica en Panamá La Vieja: presentación de casos 7 2001 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Gran Coclé: paisaje cultural del istmo de Panamá 7 2007 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Shallow electrical resistivity imaging of the Limón fault, Chagres River Watershed, Panama Canal 7 2017 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Estructuras arquitectónicas incipientes y áreas de explotación minera prehispánica de las cuencas de los ríos Grande y Coclé del Sur, Panamá/Small-scale architecture and Pre … 8 2007 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Resultados de las prospecciones magnética y eléctrica del yacimiento arqueológico El Caño (NA-20), Gran Coclé, Panamá 8 2007 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Land cover effects on soil infiltration capacity measured using plot scale rainfall simulation in steep tropical lowlands of Central Panama 10 2020 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Study of Seasonal Rainfall Infiltration Via Time-Lapse Surface Electrical Resistivity Tomography: Case Study of Gamboa Area, Panama Canal Watershed 12 2013 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Electrical resistivity surveying and pseudo-three-dimensional tomographic imaging at Sitio Drago, Bocas del Toro, Panama 24 2012 Alexis Ogedy Mojica
Plasmonic quantum size effects in silver nanoparticles are dominated by interfaces and local environments 62 2019 Alfredo Campos Otero
Plasmonic breathing and edge modes in aluminum nanotriangles 49 2017 Alfredo Campos Otero
Radiation of dynamic toroidal moments 14 2019 Alfredo Campos Otero
Far-field radiation of three-dimensional plasmonic gold tapers near apexes 5 2019 Alfredo Campos Otero
A Study of Anodization Time and Voltage Effect on the Fabrication of Self-Ordered Nano Porous Aluminum Oxide Films: A Gas Sensor Application 4 2012 Alfredo Campos Otero