Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5311 - 5325 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Comprehensive partnering management model for highway construction projects delivered using traditional and alternative methods 0 2017 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Perspectivas del uso del bambú como material alternativo en la industria de la construcción en Panamá 0 2013 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Aceros Patinables 0 2011 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Estudio analítico y experimental de losas prefabricadas alveolares reforzadas con bambú sujetas a flexión 0 2008 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Efecto microbiano del control biológico con EM en parcelas sembradas de arroz en Coclé, Panamá. Microbial effect of biological control with EM in rice fields planted in Coclé … 0 0 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Estudio Analítico y Experimental de Losas Prefabricadas Alveolares Reforzadas con Bambú Sujetas a Flexión 0 0 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Sequencing three crocodilian genomes to illuminate the evolution of archosaurs and amniotes 137 2012 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Caiman crocodilus in Mesoamerica and South America 59 2008 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
Genetic characterization of captive Cuban crocodiles (Crocodylus rhombifer) and evidence of hybridization with the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) 58 2008 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
Evolutionary history of Cuban crocodiles Crocodylus rhombifer and Crocodylus acutus inferred from multilocus markers 51 2011 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
Spatial ecology of the American crocodile in a tropical Pacific island in Central America 20 2016 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
The biology and conservation status of the American crocodile in Colombia 19 2015 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
Reproductive ecology and hatchling growth rates of the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) on Coiba Island, Panama 17 2015 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
Population Ecology of American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Coiba National Park, Panama 15 2015 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes
How to estimate population size in crocodylians? Population ecology of American crocodiles in Coiba Island as study case 7 2018 Miryam Doris Venegas Cortes