Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5296 - 5310 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Aceros Patinables 0 2011 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Estudio analítico y experimental de losas prefabricadas alveolares reforzadas con bambú sujetas a flexión 0 2008 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Efecto microbiano del control biológico con EM en parcelas sembradas de arroz en Coclé, Panamá. Microbial effect of biological control with EM in rice fields planted in Coclé … 0 0 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Estudio Analítico y Experimental de Losas Prefabricadas Alveolares Reforzadas con Bambú Sujetas a Flexión 0 0 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Guidelines for managing geotechnical risks in design–build projects 5 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Development of a Partnering Maturity Assessment Tool for Transportation Agencies 4 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Analysis of transportation agencies’ claim history: Partnered versus nonpartnered 3 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Institutionalizing the principles of partnering 3 2017 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Critical Analysis of Case Law: Are Partnering Charters Binding? 1 2019 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Project Risk Perception on Public Private Partnership Projects 1 2019 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Evaluation of Partnering Intensity on Highway Construction Projects Performance 0 2019 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Evaluation of Major Street Speeds for Minnesota Intersection Collision Warning Systems 0 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Evaluating the Quality of Transportation Guidebooks through Vetting: A Case Study 0 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design–Build Projects 0 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez
A Protocol to Assess the Impact of Fuel Price Fluctuations on Future Asphalt Prices: a Stochastic Risk-Assessment Tool 0 2018 Milagros Del Carmen Pinto Núñez