Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5236 - 5250 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Proposal using the cloud architecture in system for the early detection of infectious diseases in elderly people fed by biosensors records 1 2019 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Design and construction of a nlp based knowledge extraction methodology in the medical domain applied to clinical information 1 2018 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Metodología para el desarrollo de una distribución GNU/Linux para computación paralela 1 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Analysis of Mobile Applications for Self-healthcare of Panamanian Patients with Hepatitis 1 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Exploration in the CRM/ERP systems as a strategy in the SME sector 1 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
The four axes ‘WMS, SCM, CRM and ERP’for e-logistics 1 2017 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Principios y Campos de Aplicación en CUDA Programación paralela y sus potencialidades 1 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Descubriendo la anatomía de una aplicación sobre Android 1 2012 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Scope of information communications technology in the health of diabetes patients in poor rural zones of Panama through holistic, interactive, and persuasive model to … 1 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Survey: grid computing and Semantic Web 1 2010 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Hydrochemistry of groundwater from Tocumen sector, Panamá city: an assessment of its possible usage during emergency events 0 2021 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Towards a Service-Oriented Architecture for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings: A Systematic Review 0 2021 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Predicting the Appearance of Hypotension During Hemodialysis Sessions Using Machine Learning Classifiers 0 2021 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
DevOps en el desarrollo SaaS desde el punto de vista de los expertos 0 2020 Miguel Vargas Lombardo
Mobile Applications for Diabetes Self-Care and Approach to Machine Learning 0 2020 Miguel Vargas Lombardo