Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 5131 - 5145 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Improvements in building energy performance to address current demand-side challenges: A review of Latin-American contributions 0 2020 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Evaluación de la técnica de fusión de sensores para la detección de ocupación en una oficina universitaria 0 2020 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Numerical Assessment of Bioclimatic Architecture Strategies for Buildings Design in Tropical Climates: A Case of Study in Panama 0 2020 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Impact of the Envelope Layout in the Thermal Behavior of Buildings in Panama: A Numerical Study 0 2019 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Qualification of the Energy Charge-Discharge of a Concrete Slab in a Naturally Ventilated Building 0 2019 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Experimental assessment of Peltier modules as an alternative to conventional heat flux meters 0 2019 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Experimental study on an air-phase-change-material unit for summer thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated building 0 2019 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Instrumentation d’une plateforme d’essais pour l'étude du stockage-déstockage d’énergie sensible et son couplage avec la ventilation naturelle 0 2019 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Experimental study of a natural ventilation strategy in a full-scale enclosure under meteorological conditions: a buoyancy-driven approach 0 2018 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Evaluation expérimentale d'une stratégie domotique de pilotage des éléments mobiles : vers un contrôle semi-passif simple du confort d'été en BEPos 0 2018 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Influence des effets du vent et du tirage thermique sur le taux de renouvellement de l’air d’un bâtiment ventilé naturellement: estimations par simulation aéraulique directe et … 0 2018 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
UTP-FIM-ECEB 0 0 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
UTP-FIM-ECEB 0 0 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
UTP-FIM-ECEB 0 0 Miguel Alejandro Chen Austin
Economic and Energy Analysis of Renewable Liquid Fuels 0 2009 Miguel Him Díaz