Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 3436 - 3450 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Implementation a holistic model, interactive and persuasive to facilitate self-care of patients with diabetes (hIPAPD) 5 2010 Humberto R. Álvarez
Organizational change: a case for more systematic and dynamic modeling 5 2002 Humberto R. Álvarez
Technologies to better serve the millions of diabetic patients: A holistic, interactive and persuasive ICT model to facilitate self care, in extremely poor rural zones of … 4 2012 Humberto R. Álvarez
Community Renewable Energy in Panama: a sustainability assessment of the Boca de Lura PV-Wind Hybrid Power System 3 2017 Humberto R. Álvarez
Modeling a distribution network of agricultural products in Panama 3 2013 Humberto R. Álvarez
Social network analysis for humanitarian logistics operations in Latin America 3 2013 Humberto R. Álvarez
El Transporte Ferroviario: Fundamentos y algunas características más sobresalientes 3 2012 Humberto R. Álvarez
Developing a simulation model for complex societal decision making processes using system dynamics: The expansion of the Panama Canal 3 2006 Humberto R. Álvarez
Panama metro bus system and metro line 1: An externalities analysis of CO2emissions spectre 2 2017 Humberto R. Álvarez
Panama metro line 1: Analysis of CO2 emissions from 2015 to 2017. Principles for an eco-transportation city 1 2019 Humberto R. Álvarez
Exploratory Study About the Implementation of the Competency-Based Approach in Graduate Programs From Two Panamanian Universities 1 2017 Humberto R. Álvarez
The R&D activity as a supporting tool for the active teaching and learning methodology in an engineering course 1 2017 Humberto R. Álvarez
Adoption of good virtual education practices in higher education 1 2015 Humberto R. Álvarez
Análisis Causal de las Interdependencias de las Infraestructuras Críticas en la República de Panamá 1 2015 Humberto R. Álvarez
Uso de Análisis de Redes Sociales para el estudio y determinación de Capital Social entre jóvenes panameños 1 2015 Humberto R. Álvarez