Publicaciones en Google Scholar de perfiles de la UTP

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Mostrando 2926 - 2940 de 7025
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Título Citaciones Año Perfil
Métodos de Planificación Prospectiva Estratégica y su Aplicación en el Sector Energía 0 0 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Study of the Effect of Efficiency in Energy Resource Longevity under the Scope of Sustainability 0 0 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Generalized gyrator theory 40 2010 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Comparison of Electrical Generators used for Wind Power Generation 30 2011 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Almacenamiento de energía magnética por superconducción 7 2016 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Applications of Petri Nets in electric power systems 7 2014 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Revisión de Modelos Hiperelásticos utilizados en Tejidos 2 2018 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Design of a Two-Level Boost Converter 2 2013 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Models used to Represent the Windings and its Effect on the Torque Obtained from Finite Element Analysis 2 2011 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Development of a Tool that Integrates the Design Processes of a Switched Reluctance Motor 2 2010 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
El legado tecnológico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial 1 2018 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Induction Motor Fault Modeling Based on the Winding Function 1 2018 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
2014 IEEE Central America and Panama Convention-CONCAPAN XXXIV 1 2015 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Sustainability Assessment, Case of Study: Geothermal Power Plant 1 0 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez
Thermo-Energetic Study in Blood Infected with Plasmodium falciparum radiated at 2.45 GHz 0 2019 Guadalupe Giselle González Domínguez