# IPAC1140424

RLA9093: Strengthening Regional Capabilities on Radiation Protection for End Users and Technical Support Organizations.

2024 - 2027

En Ejecución

Radiation protection of workers and the public.

Nuclear techniques are widely used in a considerable number of industries, such as clinics, hospitals and research laboratories. The reliability and acceptance of nuclear applications by the population depends on a good radiation protection programme and a consolidated radiation metrology system. Compliance with radiation safety standards is an essential requirement for the application of nuclear technologies and one of the main priorities established in the Regional Strategic Profile (PER). The current situation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) related to the radiation safety and monitoring, is similar in aspects like human resources, equipment and installations, and the application of radiation protection principles, accurate and reliable radiation measurements to evaluate the dose received by patients submitted to the diagnosis and therapy with ionizing radiation, and by occupational workers. Many countries of the region lack the infrastructure to achieve training of the necessary human resources and guidelines for the application of international standards and radiation protection (RP) programme.The aim of this project is to strengthen the regional capabilities and networking of end users and Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs) of occupational and medical radiation protection, as well as, strengthening of radiation measurement methods and metrology capabilities in the region. This project will support the ongoing national efforts of the Member States in the region to: (i) promote the standardization and harmonization of metrology standards in ionizing radiation; (ii) provide sustainability for nuclear applications; and (iii) contribute to the protection of the end users — the patients, workers and individuals of the general public — through strengthened regional cooperation and networking.

Energía y Ambiente


Fortalecimiento de Infraestructura y Equipamiento para I+D


