Elida Isabel de Obaldia Villarreal #AF6000316

Elida Isabel de Obaldia Villarreal

Elida Isabel de Obaldia Villarreal #AF6000316

Material Science, Renewable Energy, Diamond thin films, Project based education

Unidad / Facultad:
Grado Académico:
Doctor (a)
Área de Investigación
Procesos de Manufactura y Ciencia de los Materiales
Áreas de Interes
Ciencias de los materiales
Investigador Nacional 1 2018 - 2021

Publicaciones en Google Scholar

Publicación Citas Año
Bridging the conceptual gap between free fall and drag-dominated regimes 1 2016
Methodology to replace Sensitivity BER and transmit power production tests in bluetooth devices with BiSTs 1 2011
Two-GHz microstrip thin-film resonators of Nb and YBa/sub 2/Cu/sub 3/O/sub 7 1 1995
Pt-SiO 2 Granular Metals for Cryogenic Thermometry in High Magnetic Fields 1 1990
Síntesis y caracterización de membranas piezoeléctricas en base al polímero polifluoruro de vinilideno, utilizando la técnica de electrospinning 0 2021
Science and Technology of Integrated Super-High Dielectric Constant AlOx/TiOy Nanolaminates/Diamond for MOS Capacitors and MOSFETs 0 2021
Baterías de Ion Litio: características y aplicaciones 0 2021
Effect of the Gas Chemistry, Total Pressure, and Microwave Power on the Grain Size and Growth Rate of Polycrystalline Diamond Films Grown by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor … 0 2019
Effect of Nitrogen Flow on the Growth of Nitrogen Ultrananocrystalline Diamond (N-UNCD) Films on Si/SiO2/HfO2 Substrate 0 2019
Optical Properties in Anodized Aluminum Oxide Films 0 2019
Programa del VI Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería, Ciencias y Tecnología 0 2019
Guía para el seguimiento de becarios en la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 0 2017
Article type:(Full Paper) Fundamentals Towards Large Area Synthesis of Multifunctional Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films via Large Area Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition … 0 2017
Third Order Harmonic Response and Intermodulation Distortions of YBCO Thin Films at Microwave Frequencies 0 1997
Investigation of High Power Handling of Superconducting Microwave Devices by Means of Thermal Imaging 0 1996

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