Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas #IF419316

Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas

Arthur Mc Carty James Rivas #IF419316

Gasification, Thermochemical conversion of biomass, Oceanic Termal Energy Conversion, Phase Change Materials, Carbon Sequestrati

Unidad / Facultad:
Grado Académico:
Doctor (a)
Área de Investigación
Energía y Ambiente
Áreas de Interes
Bioprocesos, combustibles alternativos, conversión catalítica, conversión termoquímica.
Investigador Nacional 2 2024 - 2027

Publicaciones en Google Scholar

Publicación Citas Año
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Coal Gasification in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor 0 2019
OTEC Alternative for the Electric Power Generation in Panama 0 2019
Biomass carbonization-Production and characterization of biochar from rice husks 0 2019
Estudio de las investigaciones realizadas en el programa de maestría en ciencias de la ingeniería mecánica Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 0 2018
Top-Lit Updraft Biomass Gasifier.(Under the direction of Dr. Wenqiao Yuan and Dr. Michael Boyette.) Biomass materials can be converted to a wide variety of products, eg … 0 0
The effect of biomass physical properties on top-lit updraft gasification of woodchips 33 2016
Airflow and insulation effects on simultaneous syngas and biochar production in a top-lit updraft biomass gasifier 19 2018
The effect of air flow rate and biomass type on the performance of an updraft biomass gasifier 17 2015
In-chamber thermocatalytic tar cracking and syngas reforming using char-supported NiO catalyst in an updraft biomass gasifier 12 2014
Characterization of biochar from rice hulls and wood chips produced in a top-lit updraft biomass gasifier 7 2016
The effect of biomass, operating conditions, and gasifier design on the performance of an updraft biomass gasifier 6 2012
The effect of gasification conditions on the surface properties of biochar produced in a top-lit updraft gasifier 5 2020
Aislante térmico a base de materiales orgánicos 2 2018
Implementación de un Intercambiador de Calor en Techos de Zinc 2 2018
Simultaneous Biochar and syngas production in a Top-Lit Updraft Biomass Gasifier.(Under the direction of Dr. Wenqiao Yuan and Dr. Michael Boyette.) 2 2015

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